lap dog / ˈlæpˌdɔg, ˌdɒg /


lap dog 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small pet dog that can easily be held in the lap.
  2. a person or group that submits to the influence of another; a servile follower: Regulatory agencies are supposed to be watchdogs, but some have become lapdogs of the industries they oversee.

lap dog 近义词

n. 名词 noun

small pet dog

更多lap dog例句

  1. Describing the city agency tasked with investigating police misconduct as “more of a lapdog than a watchdog,” he proposed in 2009 to give it more independence, authority, and guaranteed funding.
  2. The King awoke in great anxiety, and called out, "My kingdom is lost, and my dwarf and my lapdog are killed!"
  3. When the King awoke, he cried out in great anxiety, "My kingdom is lost, and my dwarf and my lapdog are killed!"
  4. In the morning the King awoke in great anxiety, and called out, "My kingdom is lost, and my dwarf and my lapdog are killed!"
  5. She had a little lapdog, who was, next to the Doctor, her favorite.
  6. She patted the hand which he had laid upon the arm of her chair, very much as if it had been a pet lapdog.